Iliad: Book 7 | Ajax Duels with Hector

Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan sit down to talk about the duel between Ajax and Hector in Book 7. In this episode we will discuss: What happens in book 7? What does Nestor, the old Achaean war chief, say to Hector? The duel between Ajax and Hector. How the end of book seven introduces…

Iliad: Book 6 | Hector Returns to Troy

Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan sit down to talk about Hector returning to Troy. In this episode we will discuss: What happens in book six? What should be noted in the duel between Glaucus and Diomedes? What may be noted in Helen’s lament to Prince Hector? What lesson does Homer provide by Hector returning…

Iliad: Book 5 | Diomedes Fights the Gods

Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan are joined by Grayson Quay. Grayson Quay Grayson Quay is a writer and News and Opinion Editor for the Daily Caller. He earned his M.A. from Georgetown University in 2019. Book Five Diomedes Fights the Gods Now take heart, Diomedes, fight it out with the Trojans! Deep in your…

Iliad: Book 4 | The Truce Erupts in War

Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan discuss Book 4 of the Iliad – The Truce Erupts in War Book Four The Truce Erupts in War The Iliad is a poem that lives and moves and has its being in war.  Bernard Knox 26. What happens in the fourth book of the Iliad? Zeus taunts Hera…

Iliad: Book 3 | Helen Reviews the Champions

Deacon Harrison Garlick welcomes Dr. Karl Schudt to Ascend to discuss Book 3 of the Iliad – Helen Reviews the Champions In this episode Dcn. Garlick and Dr. Karl Schudt will discuss: What happens in the third book of the Iliad? What is the story of Helen and Paris? What are Trojan politics concerning Helen…