The Odyssey Book Twelve: The Cattle of the Sun
Dcn. Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan discuss Book Twelve of the Odyssey: The Cattle of the Sun. Check out more at From our guide: 68. What happens in book twelve? Odysseus and his men return the island of Circe and bury their comrade, Elpenor, who had spoken to Odysseus from the underworld (12.10). Circe tells…
The Odyssey Book Eleven: The Kingdom of the Dead
Dr. Frank Grabowski and Thomas Lackey return to discuss Book Eleven of the Odyssey with Dcn. Garlick. Check out for more resources. From the guide: 60. What happens in book eleven? Odysseus and his men sail to the edge of the world into the endless darkness and the house of death (11.21). Following the ritual…
The Odyssey Book Ten: The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea
Dcn. Garlick flies solo to explore the depths of BOOK TEN of the Odyssey: The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea. Check out for more resources. From the guide: 53. What happens in book ten? Odysseus and his men come to the floating island of King Aeolus[1] who Zeus had made the “master of all the winds”…
The Odyssey Book Nine: Odysseus and the Cyclops
Dcn. Garlick and Adam Minihan discuss BOOK NINE of the Odyssey: Odysseus and the Cyclops. Odysseus finally gives his name and starts to tell his story. Book Nine is one of the most important books in the Odyssey. Check out for more information. From the guide: 48. What happens in book nine? The guest of…
The Odyssey Book Eight: A Day for Songs and Contests
This week Dcn. Harrison Garlick and Mr. Eli Stone, formerly of the TU Great Books Honors College and now teaching at a classical school, discuss Book VIII of the Odyssey: A Day for Songs and Contests. We have a 50+ page guide to the Odyssey. Visit for more resources. From the guide: 42. What happens…