The Tower of the Elephant by Robert E. Howard with Alberto Fernandez

This week Dcn. Garlick is joined by Alberto Fernandez, a former U.S. diplomat and Vice President of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) in Washington, D.C., to discuss “The Tower of the Elephant,” one of the best Conan the Barbarian stories by Robert E. Howard. Deacon and Alberto discuss the life and philosophy of…

The Odyssey as the Restoration of Culture with President Washut

Dcn. Harrison Garlick is joined by Kyle Washut, President of Wyoming Catholic College, to discuss the Odyssey as the restoration of Catholic Culture and the unique educational approach of Wyoming Catholic College. Eastern Catholicism John Senior Odyssey as the restoration of culture President Washut takes on the question: “Why go to a great books college”…

The Odyssey Book Twenty-Four: Peace with Roundtable Discussion

THE FINAL BOOK! Dcn. Garlick is joined by Adam Minihan, David Niles, Thomas Lackey, and Dr. Frank Grabowski to discuss Book 24 of the Odyssey: Peace. Check out for more information. From our guide: 111.    What happens in book twenty-four?  Hermes leads the souls of the suitors to Hades, to the fields of asphodel, where…

The Odyssey Book Twenty-Three: The Great Rooted Bed

Dcn. Harrison Garlick is joined by Mrs. Rachel Greb to discuss Book 23 of the Odyssey: The Great Rooted Bed. Check out for more resources! From our written guide: 108.    What happens in book twenty-three? The old maid Eurycleia, laughing with delight, runs and tells Penelope that the day she’s dreamed of is here: Odysseus…

The Odyssey Book Twenty-Two: Slaughter in the Hall with Dr. Adam Cooper

Slaughter in the hall! This week Dcn. Harrison Garlick is joined by Dr. Adam Cooper of Wyoming Catholic College to discuss Odysseus’ revenge upon the suitors in Book 24. Check out for more information! 103.    What happens in book twenty-two? The time has come. Odysseus stands at the threshold of his home, cries out to…